Sunday, February 10, 2008

German Pancakes

I've never seen it rise quite like this. Andy made it.


Sami said...

I've never seen them rise that way either! Don't they usually just go up the sides? We used to call them "monsters". I'd really like to know what he did to them. Did they still taste okay?

Mandy said...

They were still good. I figured out what must have done it. My mom gave me a bag of freshly ground wheat flour and I put it in the cupboard. Andy didn't like it in the cupboard; it was taking up valuable space. So Andy poured the wheat flour into my bucket of white flour and stirred it all together. My mom tells me wheat flour is heavier and does not rise quite as well, hence the mixture of the two flours created the strange new effect. The pancakes were a bit heavier than usual, but still good.