Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lego Train

Sabian is obsessed with trains right now, so I decided to let Andy set up his train table early to display his Lego train for Halloween. He'll still do his regular winter scene with his O scale train for Christmas. He gets pretty excited about his Christmas Garden. He also plans to do a layout for his HO and N scale trains too. Yes, that means I will have no space left in my front room. At least it keeps Andy and the kids happy. The neighbors say they can see it too from the highway. Someday Andy hopes to consume the house with his trains and have a display like Mr. Sanda's house by the airport. If he can match Joel Sanda, then Andy will open his house to the public too. He's a long way from that. Here's a picture of his Lego train. It is surrounded by his Bionicle creations. He's trying to win more tracks off of ebay to finish it.
On a side note, we started full force potty training with Sabian on Friday and he is doing very well. He's successful about 90% of the time. Now we've just got to conquer the elusive no. 2. I'm open to suggestions.

1 comment:

Sami said...

Believe me, if I had suggestions, I would use them on Dylan!