Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Spud Day

Spud Day is always fun. Andy and Steven Ran in the Spud Run, Andy did a 5k and Steven did a 10k. Steven came in 3rd over all, and won a first place medal for his age division. Andy rode his bike in the parade with Sabian riding behind him and Naomi rode her own bike beside him and did really well. We enjoyed the free baked pototoes, watched a magic show on the free stage, then met some star wars characters. Then we waited in line 4ever to get some frogs for Naomi. We then decided it was too hot, so we bought the movie Eragon and came home to watch it. Then we went to the demolition derby, but were too late to get seats, so we had to sit way up front and dodge the mud that was flung by the tires, making it a more interactive experience.

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