Saturday, September 6, 2008

Time to read!

I read Naomi two bedtime stories and she read the 3rd one to me with very little help. I am so proud of her. Ever since Naomi started kindergarten, I've realized what a difficult language English really is. Why do we even have the letter C when K or S would work just fine? Why do the letters bdpq all look the same only turned just right? Why do we have so many different ways to write the same letter or number? And why does giraffe start with the letter G instead of J? Despite all these crazy things we all have to learn, our children learn to read anyhow. First grade is very fast paced, but the rewards are worth it. Three cheers for Naomi! Hip! Hip! Hooray!

1 comment:

Sami said...

So weird to think that Andi isn't far off from being able to do that to me. Having a kid that can Mandy, you're OLD!